Category Archives: yearfive
Black History Month Raps
When asked to create a rap, song or poem to celebrate Black History Month 2020 Year 5 really stepped up the challenge. They thought about everything they had learnt about the black history of Great Britain and incorporated them into their pieces. If you listen carefully you’ll hear lots of amazing facts.
We are really proud of their performances.
Inter-School Basketball Tournament
10 children across Years 5 and 6 got together this week to compete against 3 other local schools in a Basketball Tournament at Bonus Pastor! In the first game, they scored 3-0 against Downderry during the 1st half, but Downderry came back stronger and scored 8-0 baskets. They played against Our Lady, who won 5-2 against St. Augustine’s. However, after a quick regroup, they worked on a clear strategy and scored a whopping 11-3 against St. Winifred’s, taking St Augustine’s to the top of the leader-board, as they came 1st Place overall!!! Well done to all in Year 5 and Year 6 for playing so well as a team in representing St. Augustine’s at the competition, coming away with the winning medals and certificates!
All Girl’s Football Tournament
Years 5 and 6 have once again been very active this week! This time, 15 girls braved the cold as they took part in an All-Girls’ Football Tournament at St. Dunstan’s Jubilee Football Grounds on Tuesday 26th November, against Dalmain Athletic Girls Football Club. They played extremely well and showed great resilience despite the adverse weather conditions. Well done to Year 5 &6 for working so hard in representing St. Augustine’s at the competition. They came away with 2 trophies in 3rd and 4th Place.
Well Done Girls!
Inter-School Sportshall Athletics Tournament
Sixteen boys and girls across Years 5 and 6 competed alongside Holy Cross against St Winifred’s and St Joseph’s at this year’s Athletics Competition held at Bonus Pastor Catholic College. Also held on Tuesday of this week, the children participated in at least 2 Track and 2 Field events, including the Chest Push, Soft Javelin, Standing, Long Jump, Speed Bounce and several Relay Races. Well done to Year 5 and Year 6. The children did so well that the organisers of this event are still counting up the scores and are yet to announce the overall winners! Certificates will be given out this week, with medals to follow! Please continue to watch this space.
Inter-School Football Tournament
Years 5 and 6 have been very active this week! Eight girls braved the cold as they took part in a Football Tournament at St. Dunstan’s Jubilee Football Grounds on Tuesday 19th November, alongside four other local primary schools. They scored 1-5 against Baring; 0-2 against St Mary’s; and 0-5 against Dalmain Primary School. The girls, though disheartened, came back stronger and fought hard to draw 2-2 with Kilmorie Primary School. Well done to all for working so hard in representing St. Augustine’s at the competition. We look forward to hearing about their upcoming tournament next week Tuesday, as the entire Girls’ Football Club go on to play in yet another tournament at the same location. Fingers crossed they will return with great news and excitement! Watch this space!
Game Challenge
Year 5 have learnt how to play the ’24’ game. This game challenges children’s mental mathematical skills and sharpens their ability to quickly choose the correct number operation whilst under pressure.
Year 5 Studies
The Autumn Term has all been about setting the standards for our Year 5 studies.
Our first topic has been a study of the Tudors, including a fantastic song with Mrs Ley. We have learnt about Kings Henry VII and Henry VIII. We know that the Battle of Bosworth Field was the last battle in The War of the Roses and was fought between Henry Tudor and Richard III. Linking with our studies we are creating fantastic Tudor portraits.
In maths so far we have covered perimeters, time and we have looked for patterns within our maths calculations.
In English we have been reading a book called Treason. An adventurous story about a boy called William Montague, who started life in Montague Hall before his Aunt Carew prepared him for life in London as the page of Prince Edward (Edward VI).
Our RE studies have taken us to the subject of creation where we have compared the theory of Big Bang with the Bible beliefs of how our Earth was created by God in seven days.
We are lucky enough to have swimming lessons at Downham Pool and we are really improving our strokes.
We are looking forward to next term.
Silence In Court
Our third trip with Mrs Weatherhead took us to the magnificent Royal Courts of Justice in central London.
After learning about the differences between civil and criminal law we took part in our first mock trial. We were all given a role to play in the case against Tommy Peel. Tommy was instructed to appear to face charges because he was breaching a Noise Abatement Order and had been fighting in the street.
The two legal teams put forward great arguments and asked the witnesses some very challenging questions. The witnesses were very confident and answered truthfully as the court usher had asked them to promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
At the end of the trial the judge (Giorgia) had the responsibility of deciding if Tommy was innocent or guilty. It wasn’t easy to come to a decision but in the end she found that Tommy had not breached the order.
We were lucky that the sun was shining and we were able to have a picnic in Lincoln Inn’s Field.
Athletics competiton
Well done the group of year 5 and 6 children who came to competition at Bonus Pastor. The children were praised by the organizers for how well behaved they were and good sportsmanship.
As this was a team event all the children did 4 events individually and then the scores were averaged out to get a team score across track and field events.
As a team we came fourth and we are so proud of the way the children represented our school.