The Autumn Term has all been about setting the standards for our Year 5 studies.
Our first topic has been a study of the Tudors, including a fantastic song with Mrs Ley. We have learnt about Kings Henry VII and Henry VIII. We know that the Battle of Bosworth Field was the last battle in The War of the Roses and was fought between Henry Tudor and Richard III. Linking with our studies we are creating fantastic Tudor portraits.
In maths so far we have covered perimeters, time and we have looked for patterns within our maths calculations.
In English we have been reading a book called Treason. An adventurous story about a boy called William Montague, who started life in Montague Hall before his Aunt Carew prepared him for life in London as the page of Prince Edward (Edward VI).
Our RE studies have taken us to the subject of creation where we have compared the theory of Big Bang with the Bible beliefs of how our Earth was created by God in seven days.
We are lucky enough to have swimming lessons at Downham Pool and we are really improving our strokes.
We are looking forward to next term.