Keep fit and busy during School Closure

There are lots of online storytimes

Checkout Oliver Jeffers reading his stories and

Storyline Online:

And lots of ways to keep healthy:


Exercise with the Body Coach

Fun yoga with cosmickids has lots of good ideas for keeping busy

Science Week in Reception

What a busy week it has been. Apart from learning about hand hygiene and keeping germs at bay, the children had a great time being young scientists. They made a cloud out of soap; they watched in wonder what happens when you mix vinegar with bi-carbonate of soda; they made their own bread using yeast, they explored electricity and created circuits and they made a rainbow of sweets. Just a regular week in Early Years in fact! Click on the picture to make it bigger.

Inter-School Football Tournament

15 boys and girls from Years 3 and 4 braved the cold and muddy conditions as they took part in a Football Tournament at Whitefoot Lane Playing Fields on Tuesday 3rd March. They played a series of games against Holy Cross, Downderry and Our Lady and St. Phillip Neri Primary Schools. The Girls’ Team worked hard as they were up against a very strong Downderry  team, with Lucy and Poppy from Year 3 scoring 1 goal each during the second half of the match. However, Downderry came back stronger and won 7-2 overall. Next up were the Boys’ Team, who played a fierce game, winning 4-0 against Holy Cross, 8-1 against Our Lady and St. Phillip Neri and then drawing 2-2 with Downderry taking them to the lead as joint winners in First Place with Downderry Primary School. They took home the winning medals after playing extremely well, demonstrating excellent teamwork and fancy footwork. They showed great sportsmanship, without showing off or getting into any arguments with each other or the opposing team. The St. Augustine’s Teams left both staff and parents impressed with their outstanding performance and behaviour. Well done to Years 3 and 4!
Keep up the great work!