The children are taking part in house meetings, by the end of the week they will have 4 arts and crafts activities completed. They are all enjoying socailising in their houses and working together. What a great way to end a term.
Author Archives: Soft Peach
Art in Year 1
A walk in the park.
Thank you to all the adults who came to help us. The children had a great time at the park exploring and finding lots of signs that winter is coming. The noisy parakeets were a favourite of the children because they were green and loud!
Observing seasonal change is part of our science and the children enjoyed looking at the mushrooms, berries, leaves and conker shells that we found.
The art work they produced was amazing and is on display in our class.
RE in year 1
Athletics competiton
Well done the group of year 5 and 6 children who came to competition at Bonus Pastor. The children were praised by the organizers for how well behaved they were and good sportsmanship.
As this was a team event all the children did 4 events individually and then the scores were averaged out to get a team score across track and field events.
As a team we came fourth and we are so proud of the way the children represented our school.
Guy Fawkes and bonfire night
Year 1 had great fun making pastel pictures of fireworks and using bubble paint and powder paint to create some artwork.
They also learnt about the history of bonfire night and how to be safe.
English in Year 1
We have just finished our first topic using the book ‘The Incredible Book Eating Boy’ by Oliver Jeffers, the children made their own books and did not eat them like Henry did.
The class have now started to read ‘My Granny went to market’ it is a counting story where Granny visits many countries and buys something special in each place.
Football Tournament
Well done to the girls’ and boys’ football teams that took part in the tournament last Thursday. The year 5 and 6 children who came to the tournament showed great team work and communication skills on the pitch. Both teams came in 5th place. We are proud of the way they represented our school.
The next event will be coming soon for year 5 and 6.
Year 6 Vs Staff Netball match
Well done to the year 6 children and the staff who took part today in the match. The match was well played and the rest of the school were great spectators. This is one of the traditions we have every summer term and is always enjoyable.
The score was 9-2, well done to the staff team who won.