World Book Day 2018

Where did the Nursery children go today? They were replaced by lots of book characters!

We had: Spider-Man, Batman, Captain America, a pirate, Room on the Broom, Wally, Minnie Mouse and a Princess.

They all had fun playing in the snow on another snowy day.



Snowy Fun

The Nursery children loved playing in the snow. They loved the sound it makes when you walk on it.

“It goes crunch!”

We made a snowman – although it was very tricky as the snow was so soft and fluffy!  The children reminded us what we needed.

“We need a carrot!”

“We need a hat!”

“We need gloves!”

We had so much fun!

Traditional Tales

The Nursery children have enjoyed reading traditional tales this term. They listened to different versions of the stories and were able to retell the stories using finger puppets and props. The children have made bridges for the Billy Goats Gruff, dens for the troll, fed the bears their porridge, made boats for the Gingerbread Man (to cross the river without being eaten by the fox) and built houses for the Three Little Pigs. They also drew roads and maps for Little Red Riding Hood to follow so that the Big Bad Wolf does not find her. The children are looking forward to reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’

Christmas fun

The Nursery have been busy preparing for Christmas. They made Christmas cards, presents for their mums and dads, wrapped them and wrote labels for them. They did observational paintings of holly with berries.  They practiced preparing for their Nursery Nativity and learned all the words and actions. They performed it to their parents who loved it and were so proud of them! Here are some photos of them being busy.

Dinosaurs in Ice

The dinosaurs got left out on Monday night in water and when we came to Nursery on Tuesday they had frozen. We needed to free them! The children worked together to come up with a plan. The used spoons and spatulas to crack the ice.

The children spent the rest of the morning playing with the ice and finding it in lots of different places. We found one piece of ice with a leaf inside it, it looked really interesting. The children got some hammers from inside and enjoyed smashing it into tiny pieces. They also made different marks in the ice. What a very busy and frosty morning!


Sally Bear’s Baptism

The Nursery were invited to join Sally on her special Baptism day. Sally wore white clothing and she was given her name. We lit the candle and said a prayer. Water was poured over Sally’s head and she was welcomed into God’s family.

The children then looked at their own Baptism photos and we could see lots of similarities. 

Fred Bear’s Birthday

In the Nursery the children have been busy preparing for, and celebrating Fred Bear’s Birthday. We read lots of books about birthdays and decided that we would like to have a party  for Fred. The children decided we needed to make cards and give him presents. So they got busy making and writing cards. We then went on the search for some presents he would like; cars and dinosaurs are his favourite. The children wrapped them very carefully, making sure they had enough paper to cover it and using sellotape to secure them. The children came up with the idea that Fred would need to know who the presents were from, so we found some sticky labels and they got busy writing their names. The children also wanted to make cakes to eat at his party and hats to wear. We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him, danced and played games. What a great birthday it was!

Preparing for Fred Bear’s Birthday

The Nursery have been preparing for Fred Bear’s birthday. They have made cards; drawing pictures and writing a message inside. They have wrapped presents; making sure they had enough paper to cover the present and sellotaping the paper so that the present didn’t fall out. They remembered to write their names on sticky labels so that Fred knows who the present is from. They also made hats to wear at his party.

They are looking forward to decorating the cakes and celebrating on Friday!