The Chinese Year of the Pig

The children in Reception have had a wonderful time celebrating the Chinese New Year,  the Year of the Pig, which fell on 5th February.  What a good time the children have had learning about China and its culture.  They enjoyed playing in the “Hungry Pig Chinese Restaurant” and they had a great time making their own real “Stone Soup” and eating it.  Some found the chopsticks a little tricky.

The children have been practising their drumming skills and made two wonderful Dragon heads for a traditional Dragon Dance through the school.  It was definitely difficult not to notice them!  What a welcome they received when they visited Nursery and the KS1 and KS2 classrooms.  Happy New Year everyone!  – or as they say in China – Gung Hay Fat Choy.  

Bishop Pat’s Visit

The children in Reception were very excited to have Bishop Pat visit our classroom.  Bishop Pat was thrilled to see that the children had made special hats (mitres) for the occasion (which they wore all day, and then wore home).  It was also very nice to see Fr Sam.  The children were delighted with the visit and made our special guests feel very welcome.




The children enjoyed the opportunity to flex their muscles and develop their confidence last Friday when we had PE in the school hall.  They were very excited that we would be using the “ladders”.  They showed how good they are at taking turns and trying new things.  Well done children!


Year 4 Cricket Scheme

Year 4 have been taking part in an exciting Lewisham Cricket Programme where they have received weekly coaching sessions on Wednesdays since the beginning of the Spring Term. This has been a very inspirational and motivational project that has enabled the children to build their confidence in their ability to actively engage with team sports and competently hold and manoeuvre the bat to achieve a more effective strike. They have developed better hand-eye coordination and have improved their bowling and batting skills. The children’s ability to maintain concentration for a prolonged period of time has also helped them to be more settled and focused when completing tasks inside the classroom. Both training coaches Mr Ahmed and Mr Lynch, as well as staff around the school, have been impressed with the children’s good behaviour and enthusiasm for their learning in PE. Well done Year 4!

Coach Ahmed teaches hand-eye coordination

Building Team Awareness Skills


Skills Debrief

Some excellent batting skills!

Prepare to strike!

Strike and Field

Keep your eye on the ball!


Good sportsmanship Antoni